How to make a toasted sandwich without a sandwich maker

There’s no doubt that the best way to make a toasted sandwich is with a dedicated sandwich maker. All though definitely a worthwhile investment, a sandwich maker isn’t a necessity to create great tasting toasted sandwiches. In fact, there are a number of alternate methods which work just fine. And that is exactly what we will be talking about in this article, how to make a toasted sandwich without a sandwich maker.

As I mentioned before, toasted sandwiches are best done in either a sandwich press like this one or a jaffle maker like this one. If you’d like to see our take on the best sandwich makers on the market, check out our product review page for great reviews.

Without further ado, lets jump into how to make a toasted sandwich without a sandwich maker!

toasted sandwich

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Pan fry

The pan fry method is probably the most common and easiest way to make a toasted sandwich without a sandwich maker. Pan frying will give you that same crispy golden texture and have your toastie ready to devour in minutes. Cooking in a fry pan is perfect for sandwiches with minimal fillings as it does require you to flip the sandwich over to grill both sides which could become quite messy with a loaded sandwich! A fry pan like this one would work great if you don’t already have one.

kitchen fry pan

If cooking a toasted sandwich on the fry pan be sure to grease the base of the pan with some butter or oil before cooking. Preheat the the fry pan over a medium heat and once the butter has fully melted place your sandwich onto the center of the pan. Use a spatula to press down on the top of the sandwich to achieve a nice sear. Monitor and flip once golden brown and do the same for the other side.

Air fryer

Another great way to make toasted sandwiches which may come as a surprise is with an air fryer! Air fryer toasted sandwiches are crispy and buttery without the burnt bits which can easily be an issue with pan frying if you’re not careful. This method is also ideal and a more safer way for kids to make delicious toasties on their own.

Phillips air fryer

Air fryers make the perfect grilled cheese toasties in minutes! All you have to do is butter both outer sides of your bread and place your cheese and other favourite fillings inside. Then chuck the sandwich into the air fryer basket and cook at 200 degrees C for 4 minutes then flip over and cook for a further 4 minutes. And that’s it! Crispy on the outside, soft and gooey on the inside.

Under the grill

Our third way to cook tasty toasted sandwiches without a sandwich maker is using a grill. Grilled toasted sandwiches are evenly toasted and golden all over whilst still being soft gooey on the inside. The key to a great grilled toasted sandwich is cooking it on the ideal temperature. Too high and you’ll burn the bread before the cheese has had time to melt! A low to medium heat is recommended for achieving that perfect toast with the cheese oozing out the sides.

Make sure to preheat your grill while you prepare your sandwich, remembering a low-medium temp is ideal. Butter your bread and layer your favourite fillings inside, don’t forget to be extra generous with the cheese! Once your grill is heated, place the sandwich under the grill and cook till it’s evenly toasted. Flip over and do the same for the other side. After that, all that’s left to do is indulge!

To conclude

As you can see there are many ways to skin a cat! or in this case, cook a toasted sandwich. All though a dedicated sandwich maker is great investment to have in your kitchen arsenal, you can get by without one. Pan frying, using an air fryer and grilling are 3 very good alternative methods to cooking delicious toasted sandwiches at home!

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